Beck Vermilion Share

May 4, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Mar­i­on High School senior Beck Ver­mil­ion has received statewide hon­ors as he pre­pares to grad­u­ate. The Mar­i­on, Indi­ana, native is the first stu­dent since 2020 to be named an Indi­ana Aca­d­e­m­ic All-Star. The award is giv­en to 40 stu­dents through­out the state each year who dis­play aca­d­e­m­ic excel­lence along with extracur­ric­u­lar involve­ment, com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice, and exem­plary lead­er­ship. He was also one of sev­en final­ists of the 2022 – 23 Lil­ly Scholarship.

Ver­mil­ion has served as cap­tain of the foot­ball, wrestling, and track teams. He offers his time to help his peers in the are­na, the class­room, and through his church. He min­is­ters to younger stu­dents through Col­lege Wes­leyan Church, for instance. He explained, It’s kind of like a men­tor­ship. They come to me and ask for help, and I love being a part of their lives. I’m there for any­one real­ly, high-fiv­ing and encour­ag­ing others.”

The men­tors in his life have been many teach­ers and coach­es, but he said his father and moth­er have been his con­stant inspi­ra­tion and moti­va­tion. They sup­port me in every­thing I do. They always help me in my strug­gles, and are there for me with any­thing.” Both of his par­ents (Aaron and Ann Ver­mil­ion), he not­ed, are very accom­plished, and have been great role models.

Upon receiv­ing the Indi­ana Aca­d­e­m­ic All-Star award, Ver­mil­ion was invit­ed to select an influ­en­tial teacher to be hon­ored with him, and he chose his math teacher and coach, Doug Porter. Ver­mil­ion was quot­ed, Mr. Porter always believed in me and my abil­i­ties, even when my inter­nal con­fi­dence was lacking.”

Ver­mil­ion moti­vates him­self through the sim­ple belief that, You are enough.” He fur­ther offered to oth­ers, No mat­ter your abil­i­ty, you can do any­thing you set your mind to do. Just remind your­self, you always have enough ability.” 

He addi­tion­al­ly cred­it­ed his long­time friends who moti­vate and encour­age him in all aspects.

Ver­mil­ion will grad­u­ate with Aca­d­e­m­ic Hon­ors and Tech­ni­cal Hon­ors this year, and will be attend­ing But­ler Uni­ver­si­ty under the dual Engi­neer­ing pro­gram with Pur­due as well as play­ing foot­ball for the But­ler Bulldogs. 

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