
Bagged Leaf Pickup to Begin Next Week, 10/21/19 Share

Oct 15, 2019  |  Web Administrator

Start­ing Mon­day, Octo­ber 21st, 2019, the City of Mar­i­on will pick up bagged leaves along with Mar­i­on Util­i­ties’ trash pick­up sched­ule. Res­i­dents are remind­ed to bag the leaves as loose leaves will not be picked up. Leaves must be put inside paper (not plas­tic) yard waste bags, and placed at the curb beside the trash totes the day before trash pick­up. Bagged leaves will be picked up on the same day as trash but by a dif­fer­ent truck and not nec­es­sar­i­ly the same time of day.

For the fourth year in a row, the City of Mar­i­on offers free leaf bags to Mar­i­on res­i­dents in need. The con­tin­ued part­ner­ship was made pos­si­ble through Big R of Mar­i­on. You may come to City Hall and pick up leaf bags from the May­or’s Office on the 2nd Floor start­ing Oct. 21st, 2019 and con­tin­u­ing Mon­day through Fri­day between 8am and 4pm while sup­plies last. For more infor­ma­tion, please call 765.662.9931.

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