
Apply for Common Council Appointment to Utility Service Board through 7/1/20 Share

Jun 17, 2020  |  Web Administrator

The Mar­i­on Com­mon Coun­cil is accept­ing appli­ca­tions for an appoint­ment to the Util­i­ty Ser­vice Board. Any­one inter­est­ed in this appoint­ment may email the com­plet­ed appli­ca­tion to City Clerk Kath­leen Kiley (kkiley@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov) or First Deputy Clerk Debra Good­man (dgoodman@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov). Appli­ca­tions will be accept­ed until 4pm on July 1st, 2020. The appoint­ment appli­ca­tion is attached. Ques­tions may be direct­ed to the Clerk’s Office using the con­tact infor­ma­tion below. Thank you.

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