Anne Marie Conrad & Micah Hoeksema Share

Jun 1, 2017  |  Web Administrator

Anne Marie Con­rad has lived in Mar­i­on for most of her life and will be grad­u­at­ing on June 4th from Mar­i­on High School achiev­ing sev­er­al high hon­ors. She is an extra­or­di­nary stu­dent, excelling in all aca­d­e­mics, and par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoy­ing Span­ish, Biol­o­gy, and Math. Anne Marie is the 2017 Class Pres­i­dent. She has been a well-round­ed stu­dent, par­tic­i­pat­ing in and set­ting a pos­i­tive exam­ple through var­i­ous activ­i­ties such as the Bowl­ing Team, Track & Cross Coun­try (man­ag­er), Span­ish Hon­ors Soci­ety (pres­i­dent), Nation­al Hon­ors Soci­ety, Stu­dent Sen­ate (vice pres­i­dent), aca­d­e­m­ic teams such as Quiz Bowl, Uni­fied Bas­ket­ball with the Spe­cial Olympics, tutor­ing, Dra­ma Club, and Mu Alpha Theta (math hon­ors soci­ety). Anne Marie was the recip­i­ent of the pres­ti­gious *Nation­al Mer­it Award, where she received a $2,500 schol­ar­ship, and will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be estab­lished in the Hon­ors Col­lege and receive mer­it-based finan­cial aid at Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty. There, she plans to major in Glob­al Stud­ies & Span­ish, trav­el and study abroad, study pre-med, and go on to med­ical school.

Aside from her involve­ment in school, Anne Marie vol­un­teers in Mar­i­on by lead­ing a small group of 5th and 6th graders and serv­ing in wor­ship arts at her church, vol­un­teer­ing at the Grant Coun­ty Res­cue Mis­sion, and lead­ing kids’ camps.

Anne Marie says that Mar­i­on has been a great place for her to grow up. I real­ly like Mar­i­on. My fam­i­ly lives here, and I plan on com­ing back after school.”

Mic­ah Hoek­se­ma was born and raised in Mar­i­on, and will also be grad­u­at­ing from MHS with high hon­ors on June 4th. He is an excel­lent stu­dent in all sub­jects, and takes par­tic­u­lar inter­est in math and sci­ence. Mic­ah is on the Track and Cross Coun­try team, Quiz & Spell Bowl, mul­ti­ple hon­ors soci­eties, the Stu­dent Sen­ate, and one of four offi­cers of the senior class. Mic­ah was rec­og­nized as one of only 15,000 final­ists in the coun­try for the *Nation­al Mer­it Award.

Out­side school and extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties, Mic­ah is also very involved in his church, lead­ing youth group activ­i­ties and com­mu­ni­ty-wide wor­ship events at dif­fer­ent schools, and play­ing drums for the wor­ship team.

Mic­ah will attend Tay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty in the fall, study­ing pre-med and Span­ish. He also hopes to stay in the Mar­i­on area and get more involved in the Mar­i­on com­mu­ni­ty. Mar­i­on has been very sup­port­ive for the past few years I’ve been in high school. It’s a nice diverse area for peo­ple to raise fam­i­lies and expe­ri­ence a good community.”

*To learn more about the Nation­al Mer­it Award, vis­it http://​www​.nationalmer​it​.org.