
2nd Annual "Rock n' Roll Downtown," Friday, 8/19/22 Share

Aug 12, 2022  |  Web Administrator

Gath­er in the Pen­rod Plaza down­town (between Psy­che­del­ic Cel­lar and the bus depot) on Fri­day, August 19th from 6 – 10pm, where there will be live music in the north alley of the Cour­t­house Square fac­ing the riv­er start­ing at 7pm with Dave Gray and Dar­rell Briscoe first, fol­lowed by The Lake­woods, until 10pm. 

This event is a part­ner­ship between Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Down­town and Psy­che­del­ic Cel­lar. All ages wel­come. Ven­dors will also be on site. Feel free to grab din­ner down­town first, or bring to the the par­ty, from any of our down­town restau­rants to enjoy the evening with us! (Folkie’s, Obi’s Bar­be­cue, Los Amores, Park­er’s Seafood, Sender Café — where Sounds of Sum­mer will also be held, Tu Your Door Piz­za, Ash­ley’s, and more). 

Info on spe­cif­ic fea­tures is being post­ed and updat­ed in the Descrip­tion sec­tion of the Rock n’ Roll Down­town” Event Page: https://​fb​.me/​e​/​2​I​M​7​I37yZ. A map to help you get around down­town is also going to be in this sec­tion clos­er to the event date. (It will also include oth­er hap­pen­ing spots that evening around down­town). Or if you see this poster around town, click on the QR code to find out more.

#Dis­cov­er­Mar­ion­Down­town this August! Invite your friends and fam­i­ly, too!

Rock n' Roll Downtown 2022 Poster

Poster designed by Pan­tone Tombstone

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