
Real Estate & Housing

Mar­i­on is the one of the best cities in the nation for first-time home buy­ers. ‑Lend­E­DU

Look­ing to live in Mar­i­on? Or, need access to hous­ing or hous­ing assis­tance? Read on for some help­ful connections…

Mov­ing to Marion/​Grant County

Why relo­cate? Well, Mar­i­on has an emerg­ing down­town, car­ing peo­ple, afford­abil­i­ty, eco­nom­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty, and so much more! We even offer relo­ca­tion finan­cial assis­tance! Check out our cur­rent pro­grams at: grant​coun​ty​.com/​r​e​l​o​c​a​t​i​n​g​-​t​o​-​g​r​a​n​t​-​c​ounty

Vis­it Real­tors Asso­ci­a­tion of Cen­tral Indi­ana (RACI) to find all list­ings for Grant Coun­ty and con­tact infor­ma­tion, or check out the Quick Links we’ve pro­vid­ed on this page.

Get Linked! Before or after you move here, we offer a great pro­gram to get you acquaint­ed with a knowl­edge­able and help­ful res­i­dent. Links to Locals

Hous­ing Resources and Assistance

Mar­i­on Hous­ing Author­i­ty’s web­site for Sec­tion 8 appli­ca­tions and more: mar​i​on​ha​.com

Grant Coun­ty has an online tool to help you con­nect with resources to fit your needs such as hous­ing. Vis­it con​nect​grant​coun​ty​.com. You may also call 211.

Also, a vari­ety of Quick Links are pro­vid­ed on this page to assist you in your search.