Moving to Marion/Grant County
Why relocate? Well, Marion has an emerging downtown, caring people, affordability, economic opportunity, and so much more! We even offer relocation financial assistance! Check out our current programs at: grantcounty.com/relocating-to-grant-county
Visit Realtors Association of Central Indiana (RACI) to find all listings for Grant County and contact information, or check out the Quick Links we’ve provided on this page.
Get Linked! Before or after you move here, we offer a great program to get you acquainted with a knowledgeable and helpful resident. Links to Locals
Housing Resources and Assistance
Marion Housing Authority’s website for Section 8 applications and more: marionha.com
Grant County has an online tool to help you connect with resources to fit your needs such as housing. Visit connectgrantcounty.com. You may also call 2−1−1.
Also, a variety of Quick Links are provided on this page to assist you in your search.