Eclipse License Plate only FINAL


Get ready for the Total Solar Eclipse!

On April 8th, Indi­ana will expe­ri­ence a total eclipse of the sun. The occur­rence will draw thou­sands of tourists from around the nation to our state. Every part of our state will expe­ri­ence either 100% total­i­ty or 90% total­i­ty, allow­ing every­one to wit­ness the incred­i­ble event. This event is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to make his­to­ry. Whether you choose to attend one of the many events planned across the state or one of your own view­ing par­ties, you’ll be mak­ing mem­o­ries that will last a life­time.” — IN​.gov

If you plan to cel­e­brate this extra­or­di­nary occa­sion in Marion/​Grant Coun­ty, Indi­ana, please refer to the fol­low­ing sites for the most up-to-date and per­ti­nent infor­ma­tion to best pre­pare you for an unfor­get­tably awe­some and safe experience.

Our city bus­es will be run­ning their nor­mal routes.

We are meet­ing week­ly with a Grant Coun­ty team to stay pre­pared to help you stay informed. We will advise on whether City Hall will close for the day or part of the day, so stay tuned! 

Mar­i­on has its offi­cial Total Solar Eclipse shirts for sale! We’ve part­nered with Hoosier Jiffy Print for an exclu­sive line of Eclipse Offi­cial 2024 event shirts. This col­lab­o­ra­tion cel­e­brates our com­mu­ni­ty spir­it and the much-antic­i­­pat­ed Eclipse, offer­ing a unique keep­sake for everyone.

Shop here: https://​www​.hjpap​par​el​.com/​m​a​r​i​o​n​s​o​l​a​r​e​c​l​i​p​s​e​/​s​h​o​p​/home