Ronald swearing in

May­or’s Office

Ronald Mor­rell, Jr.

About May­or Morrell

Mar­i­on native, Ronald Mor­rell, Jr.,has exem­pli­fied lead­er­ship since his child­hood. He joined the Christ Tem­ple Church min­istry play­ing drums at age four. He became a youth pas­tor at Liv­ing Water Church, then wor­ship pas­tor at Han­field Unit­ed Methodist Church. While study­ing at Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty, he began tour­ing the U.S. with min­istry teams, and played drums for The King Brass. 

Ronald con­tin­ues to play drums at local church­es, and teach­es a pro­gram he ini­ti­at­ed, called Faith and Entre­pre­neur­ship,” on how busi­ness and faith intersect.

Before becom­ing May­or, Ronald most recent­ly men­tored youth as the direc­tor of the Boys and Girls Club of Grant County.

He has been rec­og­nized as a Men­tor­ship Pro­gram Leader by Mar­i­on Com­mu­ni­ty Schools, and by the Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Coun­cil for invest­ments in the com­mu­ni­ty after launch­ing two busi­ness­es in recent years – Morrell’s Scoot­ers and Ele­vat­ed Events. He was also twice named Grant County’s Great­est Com­mu­ni­ty Leader through the Chronicle-Tribune.

Ronald faith­ful­ly strives to make Mar­i­on a bet­ter place. He holds a pas­sion to car­ry forth his fam­i­ly lega­cy to build a bet­ter future for his home­town. He is sup­port­ed by his large fam­i­ly and the day-to-day undy­ing love and encour­age­ment from his wife, Ari­an­na, and their two young daughters. 

With the gift of par­ent­hood, I real­ize the impor­tance of the City of Mar­i­on reach­ing its full poten­tial – not only to cre­ate a bet­ter future for our chil­dren, but a bet­ter future for all of us who live here.”

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