

Con­troller’s Office


The Controller’s Office will uphold integri­ty and ser­vice, while pro­vid­ing effi­cient, accu­rate finan­cial data to our local offi­cials, State Board of Accounts, and our con­stituents. We will con­tin­ue to iden­ti­fy and address key areas that will enhance over­all oper­a­tions in order to achieve finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty for the City of Marion.

As the City’s finan­cial offi­cer, the Con­troller has a vari­ety of pow­ers and duties, which include the respon­si­bil­i­ty to:

  • Pre­scribe the forms of reports and accounts to be sub­mit­ted to the depart­ment, and inspect and revise the accounts of all oth­er departments
  • Pre­scribe the man­ner in which cred­i­tors, offi­cers, and employ­ees shall be paid
  • Audit the accounts of the City and sub­mit a report at the end of each fis­cal year
  • Main­tain accounts for each spe­cif­ic item of appro­pri­a­tion made by the coun­cil to each depart­ment, and require all war­rants to state specif­i­cal­ly against which of such items the war­rant is drawn
  • Sign and issue all orders for mon­ey upon the City treasury
  • Retain charge of all books in the department
  • Inspect and pay, or refuse to pay under cer­tain con­di­tions, all war­rants presented
  • Per­form cer­tain tasks in the nego­ti­a­tion and sale of bonds, and keep a reg­is­ter of all bonds of the City when so required, and an account of out­stand­ing bonds or oth­er obligations
  • Man­age and direct the finance and accounts of the City and make invest­ment of the City monies
  • Pro­vide the Com­mon Coun­cil with bud­get and rev­enue esti­mates, finan­cial state­ments, and a pro­posed tax rate
  • Col­lect all fees due to the City fixed by ordinance
  • Issue all city licenses
  • Pre­scribe the pay­roll and account forms to be used in the depart­ment and offices
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