
CReED Board

Com­mu­ni­ty Revi­tal­iza­tion Enhance­ment Dis­trict (CReED) Board

What is a CReED?

A two-pronged eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment tool used:

  • To give com­mu­ni­ties hit hard by job loss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to lure com­pa­nies to the neg­a­tive­ly affect­ed area by giv­ing com­pa­nies tax cred­its against their state taxes 
  • To pro­vide a mech­a­nism by which dol­lars in future state tax­es gen­er­at­ed by new indus­try in the dis­trict can be cap­tured and used to improve infra­struc­ture in and around the district

Com­mon Responsibilities

Car­ry out the CReED program


Chuck Binkerd — President

Tim Moor­man – Vice President

Frank Stotts — Secretary

Ronald Mor­rell

Bob­by Browder

Gary Tyler


As need­ed

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