Common Responsibilities
- Oversee all operations of the Marion Municipal Airport
- Develop and approve for submittal to Common Council an annual budget
- Approve all expenditures for the operation of the Marion Municipal Airport
- Advertise for the Management of the Airport and the operation of the Fixed Based Operator
- Evaluate the airport manager and Fixed Based Operator
- Obtain quotes for and approve all major equipment and capital improvement projects
- Develop Master Plan for the airport and update yearly
- Develop annually a 5‑year Capital Improvement Plan and submit to the FAA and Indiana Dept. of Aviation
- Prepare and submit all grants for federal assistance to the FAA and Indiana Department of Transportation in completing the Master Plan for the airport and Capital Improvement Projects
- Develop Minimum Standards for all Fixed Based Operations on the Airport
- Insure that the airport is safe at all times and obstructions are minimized
- Promote airport services and facilities at a local, regional, state, and national level
- Promote airport via the internet and social media
- Insure that all FAA regulations and grant assurances are met
- Insure that the Airport presents a positive image of the community and is a positive first impression of the City
Ray Dosh, President
Mark Johnson, Vice President
Randy Chekouras, Treasurer
Dwight Ott, Secretary
Matthew Huskey, Member
The Board of Aviation meets the first Thursday of each month in the Board Room of the Marion Municipal Airport at 1:30pm.
Eileen Lemaster