
Alco­hol & Tobac­co Commission

Alco­hol & Tobac­co Commission

The Grant Coun­ty Alco­hol and Tobac­co Com­mis­sion is an arm of the State of Indi­ana. There are three local rep­re­sen­ta­tives on the Commission.

One is appoint­ed by the Coun­ty Coun­cil, one is appoint­ed by the Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers, and one is appoint­ed by the may­or of the City of Mar­i­on. Each serves an annu­al appoint­ment or until his/​her suc­ces­sor is appoint­ed and qual­i­fied. The local Com­mis­sion must have a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from each polit­i­cal par­ty (Demo­c­rat and Repub­li­can). An Indi­ana State Police Excise Offi­cer is also required to sit on the Commission. 

The local Com­mis­sion reviews each Alco­hol license issued in the Coun­ty. If a vio­la­tion has occurred dur­ing the pre­vi­ous year, the own­er of the license must appear before the Com­mis­sion and explain the steps tak­en to cor­rect the pre­vi­ous vio­la­tion. The local com­mis­sion then votes to approve or deny each license. The action is then for­ward­ed to the State of Indi­ana Alco­hol and Tobac­co Com­mis­sion for final approval.


Char­lie Wal­lace — City of Mar­i­on appointee (Chair)

Liz Wright - Grant Coun­ty Coun­cil appointee

Tim Street — Grant Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers appointee

Offi­cer Dan Vre­den­berg — Indi­ana State Police Excise representative


The local com­mis­sion meets on the 1st Tues­day of each month at 11am in the 3rd floor con­fer­ence room of City Hall (301 S. Bran­son St., Mar­i­on) until fur­ther notice. The meet­ings are open to the public. 


Char­lie Wallace



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