Press Release

Ozark Materials Announces New Marion Location Share

May 9, 2017  |  Web Administrator

Mar­i­on, Indi­ana wel­comes a new man­u­fac­tur­ing business. 

Ozark Mate­ri­als, LLC is an Alaba­ma based pave­ment mark­ing mate­r­i­al man­u­fac­tur­er that pro­duces prod­ucts for all types of road­way appli­ca­tions. The com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly occu­pies the for­mer Bell Pack­ag­ing plant at 3112 S Boots St., a 177,000 square foot build­ing in south Mar­i­on. The site is under­go­ing ren­o­va­tions which will be fin­ished by ear­ly sum­mer. Ozark Mate­ri­als intends to begin full oper­a­tions short­ly, pro­duc­ing their water­borne traf­fic paint. The build­ing acqui­si­tion and ren­o­va­tion costs, yet unknown, will add to the $1,200,000 ini­tial invest­ment in man­u­fac­tur­ing equip­ment, research and devel­op­ment, logis­tics, and IT. The new Mar­i­on facil­i­ty will ini­tial­ly cre­ate 15 jobs, with more like­ly to fol­low as demand increases.

The City of Mar­i­on is per­fect­ly locat­ed to allow Ozark to bet­ter serve its cur­rent and future cus­tomers through­out the North­east and Mid­west,” said Tomy Gam­ble, Direc­tor of Finance and Admin­is­tra­tion for Ozark Mate­ri­als. Ozark would espe­cial­ly like to thank May­or Jess Alum­baugh, the Mar­i­on City Coun­cil, Tim Eck­er­le and the staff at the Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Coun­cil, and the staff at Mar­i­on Util­i­ties. In addi­tion, the Indi­ana WorkOne staff has pro­vid­ed cru­cial sup­port in find­ing employ­ees for the facil­i­ty. We are excit­ed about our con­tin­ued growth and look for­ward to being part of the Mar­i­on community.”

The Indi­ana Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion offered Ozark Mate­ri­als con­di­tion­al tax cred­its based on the job cre­ation plan, in addi­tion to a 9 year tax abate­ment through the City of Mar­i­on on the equip­ment pur­chased for the Mar­i­on facil­i­ty. Addi­tion­al incen­tives have been offered through North­east Indi­ana Works for job recruit­ment and screen­ing services.

Across the state, we are cel­e­brat­ing job growth from com­pa­nies like Ozark Mate­ri­als that pro­vide good jobs for fam­i­lies,” said Indi­ana Sec­re­tary of Com­merce Jim Schellinger. Here in a state that works, we have method­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed the nation’s fifth best busi­ness cli­mate by reduc­ing reg­u­la­tions, low­er­ing tax­es and ensur­ing our Hoosier work­force has the skills they need to fill the jobs of the future. We are com­mit­ted to tak­ing Indi­ana to the next lev­el and ensur­ing that we remain a mag­net for jobs for gen­er­a­tions to come.”

We are pleased that Ozark has joined our com­mu­ni­ty,” said Mar­i­on May­or Jess Alum­baugh. We hope this part­ner­ship con­tin­ues for years to come. We appre­ci­ate all of the work the Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Coun­cil has done to make this project happen.”

Based in Greenville, AL, Ozark Mate­ri­als sells prod­ucts nation­wide. Its pri­ma­ry clien­tele includes state Depart­ments of Trans­porta­tion, civ­il and high­way con­trac­tors, cities, coun­ties, uni­ver­si­ties, and air­ports. Ozark prod­ucts include water­borne traf­fic paint, ther­mo­plas­tic pave­ment mark­ings, and pre­formed thermoplastics.

The exec­u­tive team of Ozark Mate­ri­als includes Prin­ci­pal Lee Gross, Exec­u­tive VP Jeff Webb, VP of Oper­a­tions Mike Dean, VP of Prod­uct Tech­nol­o­gy Der­ron Hen­der­son, and Direc­tor of Finance and Admin­is­tra­tion Tomy Gam­ble. The man­age­ment team has more than 135 years of col­lec­tive indus­try expe­ri­ence in the pro­duc­tion, for­mu­la­tion and design, sales and mar­ket­ing, and instal­la­tion of pave­ment markings.

Ozark Mate­ri­als is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing the high­est qual­i­ty pave­ment mark­ings for the indus­try. The com­pa­ny strives for best in class cus­tomer ser­vice pro­vid­ed by the ded­i­cat­ed and high­ly trained per­son­nel with decades of experience.

For more infor­ma­tion, please call the Growth Coun­cil at 765.662.0650 or email teckerle@​grantcounty.​com

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